GRBackPro 11 Windows Backup software Workstation and Server Version History
What's New in version 11.0.654?
- Fixed: When running as a Service, trying to open the program from the tray icon bar requires two double clicks after the service start.
- Changed: the log file names will contain the user defined date and time format.
- Fixed: Creating folders into the destination path, sometime issued an error.
- Fixed: Edit Schedule Event dialog and Event Conditions dialog layout.
What's New in version 11.0.618?
- Fixed: Starting the restore the left menu start button was not updated.
- Fixed: Starting a Job restore the left menu didn't updated the -- Backup -- to -- Restore --
- Fixed: If the source path contains a final folder name space an error occurred.
What's New in version 11.0.505?
- Fixed: License copy from clipboard problems.
What's New in version 11.0.493?
- Fixed: Sometimes the Daily and Weekly Scheduler would fail to execute.
- Added: "Easy Add Job" button on the main screen in order to allow a quick way to add simple backup Jobs.
What's New in version 11.0.439?
- Fixed: Reduced the space between icon and text in the list's rows.
- Fixed: Restore History backups failed to select the correct history folder number.
- Fixed: Registry backup with history when also the main backup has history enabled.
- Fixed: Click on the check boxes on the Task Panel were not handled correctly.
- Fixed: When doing a verify and running as a Service the program could emit a message box if nothing to do.
- Added: When program requires elevation a new message box allows the user to select whether to restart from the Task Scheduler or not.
- Fixed: When a Restore starts without nothing to do the "Start Restore" button was not correctly renamed.
- Added: When trying to back up a reparse point a log entry in the Program logis created.
- Fixed: When viewing the "Program logs" panel, and selecting either Paths or Service log, the screen reverts to program log after a few seconds.
- Fixed: On the Report Log panel, using the Dn and Up button, the report list is not totally painted.
- Fixed: Selecting the "At backup end do" action = Hibernate failed to work.
- Fixed: On the Report Log panel the upper log list could not be navigated using the Dn and Up buttons.
- Added: When the cursor is on the backup Start button a new message balloon indicates the current selected backup Session.
- Fixed: Odd bug on the Log handling that could sporadically cause a crash.
- Changed: When the program needs to restart elevated now you have the option to answer yes or no (it will auto close in 10 seconds and select "No").
- Added: When you start a restore the "Start Backup" button is disabled and the led activated (it was off before).
- Added: When you start a restore the "Session" name in the progress panel now indicates the restore type.
- Fixed: The "Start Backup" button was not correctly disabled when a verify automatically started after the backup.
- Fixed: The Verify function was not correctly implemented when the History mode was enabled.
- Fixed: The Restore function was not correctly implemented when the History mode was enabled.
- Fixed: Other minor issues.
- Changed: popup menu background color.
- Changed: Moved the option to Start at Windows Start as normal user to the Backup / Administrator panel.
- Fixed: The Edit Scheduler Event dialog doesn't show the "Force full backup" and "Force verify" options correctly.
- Added: On the Report / Program Log panel a search text button.
- Changed: Setup has been improved with some fixes and other additions.
- Fixed: Bug on communicating with a running Service.
- Fixed: Windows Task Scheduler handling.
- Fixed: The VSS Service was disabled on network shares.
- Added: Icons to the popup menus.
- Fixed: When restoring read-only files failed to set destination file date and time.
- Added: Different computers can share the same backup Sessions and Jobs with different global options.
- Changed: The registry backup now only copies files using VSS.
- Changed: The registry backup now creates a folder named "GRBackPro Registry Backup" where the folder tree of registry files is created.
- Changed: The registry backup has been enhanced in order to simply an eventual manual restore.
- Added: The "Edit folder skip names" dialog allows you to zoom in or out of the list text.
- Fixed: When installing a new version sometime the program crashed while trying to stop the OnChange engine.
- Added: New option in the progress panel to allow a reboot once after the backup is completed.
- Added: The balloon tooltips fonts follows the buttons settings.
- Fixed: When changing DPI on fly the program didn't resize correctly.
- Fixed: Restore sometime set restored file attrributes to read-only.
- Fixed: Restore panel: it was not possible to correctly select "What to restore".
- Fixed: The check boxes fonts now follows the static text settings.
- Added: Check box to execute a reboot after the current backup or restore is completed.
- Added: Dialog with 15 seconds timeout to pause or abort the reboot after the current backup or restore is completed.
- Added: On the backup log some lines to identify the destination path layout of the backup session.
- Added: Per computer screen size related Options.
- Added: When running a Restore with synchronization enabled, there is now a panel button to easily edit "no delete confirmation" folder names.
- Added: Confirmation 15 seconds dialog when the "At end do" action is reboot, shutdown, hibernate and suspend.
- Fixed: Crash when a backup or restore was executing and you clicked on 'exit' from the tray icon bar menu.